Global Estonian | Estonians' life expectancy reached a record low last year
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Estonians' life expectancy reached a record low last year

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The researcher anticipates that the trend of excess mortality in Estonia will continue in 2022. Source: Stitch/Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Life expectancy in Estonia fell by more than 1.5 years during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, life expectancy remained reasonably stable, but in 2021, it lowered by about 21 months. Low vaccination rates among the elderly are a possible cause of the decline, an Estonian researcher explained.

"Countries where the decline in life expectancy slowed down, or where life expectancy began to slowly rise again, prevented high mortality rates in older age groups in 2021," Hannaliis Jaadla, a researcher at the Estonian Center for Demography, explained.

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