Global Estonian | New York Estonian Educational Society - Christmas Party

New York Estonian Educational Society - Christmas Party

Holidays & Anniversaries
Event Address: 

243 E 34th St
Estonian House
New York, NY 10016
United States

Event Venue: 
Event Description: 

You're cordially invited to Estonian Educational Society Christmas Dinner on December 21st.
Performances by NY Estonian Mixed Choir and Estonian Soprano Mariliina von Uexküll. Santa is stopping by and there will also be a raffle!

We ask you to RSVP with prepayment by December 15th via check, Paypal.Me/Estonianhouseny or Venmo @estonianhouseny . If you would like to pay with cash with ask you to contact in advance.

Ticket prices:
$60 members
$70 non members
$10 kids under 12



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