Global Estonian | Eesti laste mängugrupp San Franciscos

Eesti laste mängugrupp San Franciscos

Estonian kids' playgroup in San Francisco
Group Category: 
  • USA
  • USA
  • San Francisco

Los Altos, CA
United States

Umbrella Group: 
Contact Person: 
Kaidi Moore
Description (English): 

The Estonian-language kids' playgroup gets together on the first Saturday of the month from 2 to 4 in the afternoon. The whole activity takes place outdoors. We'll speak Estonian, study Estonian songs and games, and enjoy being outdoors together at the playground. Activities are directed for children aged 2-7, but younger and older children are also welcome and the target age range of the group may change based on interest. All are welcome! Parents should plan to stay the whole time with their children.



Veebilehte haldab Integratsiooni Sihtasutus.
Sihtasutuse asutaja on Eesti Vabariik, kelle nimel teostab asutajaõigusi Kultuuriministeerium.