Integratsiooni Sihtasutus: nõustamine | Global Estonian

Integratsiooni Sihtasutus: nõustamine

Integration Foundation: counselling
Services Category: 
Эстония › Таллинн

Rävala 5
10143 Tallinn 37


The Integration Foundation offers counselling to adults who want to learn Estonian free of charge and helps to choose the most suitable opportunities for language learning.

Counselling is suitable for those who

  • want to start or continue learning Estonian, but need advice on suitable study forms and opportunities;
  • want to get free Estonian language courses, but cannot or do not want to pass the Integration Foundation's online registration, which takes place 2 to 3 times a year;
  • want to learn Estonian independently and need information about opportunities.

Our consultants help to analyze each person's needs and experiences, clarify the language level and draw up a suitable language learning plan. As a result of counselling, a person has the opportunity to receive a free Estonian language course from the Integration Foundation if it is found to be the most suitable form of study. In this case, he/ she no longer has to apply for a place in the course at a public online registration.

In addition, consultants provide guidance and advice on other issues related to adaptation and integration, including relevant services and support.


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